Replacement for the Gel Pad

Make It Last

There should rarely be the need to replace the gel pad! If you follow these simple rules, the pad will last a very long time:

How not to treat the idroprep

  • Don’t approach the gel pad with pointy or sharp tools.
  • Don’t rotate or roll the idroprep with any pressure on the coffee grounds.
  • Don’t place the idroprep on the gel pad.

Buy A Replacement

We are happy to offer a spare for your gel pad here.

Please note: we offer price reduction if you need to replace a damaged pad. Please contact us!

Gel Pad Replacement

How to Swap the Gel Pad

If the pad is damaged, exchanging it is easy:

How to swap the gel pad

  • Unscrew the ring from the handle.
  • Swap the damaged gel pad for a new one.
  • Screw the ring back onto the handle. Please make sure the pad extends evenly over the ring when done.
